
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday Challenge...Culture

This week's theme of Thursday Challenge is 'culture' and I think this photo is good for it.
This procession is heading for the Shinto shrine in which the traditional Japanese-style wedding ceremony is held. I happened to see this procession at the Hokoku Shrine in Osaka last week. The first two people are musicians, the next four people are Shinto priests and maidens. The bride and groom, their parents and relatives were following. You see  women wearing traditional Japanese kimono.
This is part of Thursday Challenge.

I've had little time to be in the blog world these days. Soon I'll catch up with you!


  1. Hi Annie, I read anything from you for a long time, all is well there in Japan? ... your wedding ceremony looks very severe, but the culture is so comfortable with you ...

    greetings from Geli

  2. Very special, this kind of weddings! Like it.

  3. That is a really fascinating photo. I love to follow your posts - Japan is so interesting.

  4. Nice to see. Do you have more pictures of this ceremony.

  5. just gorgeous. Ds went to a Japanese wedding a couple of years ago and the photos were gorgeous.

    Gill in Canada

  6. I like the photo and thank you so much for introducing me to traditional Japanese wedding! It's always so great to learn about new cultures!
